Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Some Advice For My Children

And anyone else who happens to be reading

Always be polite, even when you are angry enough to tell the policeman where he can put his ticket.

Never eat something whose name sounds more like a toy than food, ie. Twinkies, Ding-Dongs

Always say 'thank you' and clear your plate whenever someone feeds you. No one likes to feed the ungrateful.

Always sleep when you are tired, lest you drive sleepy and never wake up again

Never take your good health for granted, it might be your only friend left when you are ninety.

Always call home or call heaven when you are in trouble. We both care.

Never expect other people to drive safely or do smart things. They often don't.

Never trust someone who says: “Just this once won't matter.” It does.

Always believe your parents when they tell you to stay away from something they believe to be dangerous. They may actually be telling the truth!

Never go to a place where children are not allowed or are not welcome. It's a bad omen.

Always do your personal best, even when people expect far less of you.

Never hurt, yell at or belittle a child. Their feelings are just as big as yours.

Always trust your conscience; It knows more than you do.

Never let yourself get away with anything. Especially if no one is looking.

Always hope for a better world. It just might happen.

Never stop trying to build a better world. You just might be the one to help make it happen.

Always take time to do the right thing, even if no one seems to notice. Someone is ALWAYS watching.

Never let a day go by without saying to yourself: “I can succeed!” This replaces most self-help books.

Always use your words to build. Relationships are always built and never just happen..

Never use your words to tear down. A tiny bit of criticism goes a long, long way toward unhappiness.

Always learn. It's one thing in this wide world that you CAN control.

Never give up. This is the formula for success.

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