Monday, March 19, 2012

What Are We Waiting For?

With a brain whose capacity is largely untapped, human beings have a potential to be and to create which far exceeds current expectations. Instead of seeing the unused portion of our brain as a sort of insult, perhaps we could see it as a challenge. Each of us has this potential and this 'challenge' within us and each of us has unique access to a brain of almost limitless capabilities. Unfortunately, our surroundings and traditions tend to encourage stagnation instead of growth. But what if we decided to change that? What if we started on a journey of discovery within ourselves to find the key to the potential within us?
According to the current scientific research, our brain functions on electrical impulses triggered both by stimulus from without and stimulus from within. The stimulus without consists of the people, events and circumstances of our lives. Things happen to us, and our mind is given messages through the various senses which it then processes and stores for future use. Stimulus from within might consist of messages of pain from an organ, automatic messages from various parts of the body to perform normal body functions, messages from hormones, messages from the food we eat, messages from the brain itself in the form of thoughts and those less understood but just as real messages and effects of emotions. Together, these make up some of the things with which the brain has to do. It is a vast and complex system of signals and impulses whose workings are only slightly understood by the most advanced scientists.
However, each of us is in a unique position. We each have a brain of our own whose capacity is barely touched. We live each day in a relatively mundane and repetitious life of working, playing, eating, and sleeping. It's like having a super-computer and only using it to play solitaire. But, what I am suggesting is that perhaps it is the mind itself that holds the key to understanding and using it's potential and that each of us could be the keeper and director of that key in the quest for a better life. With each passing day, I realize that there are many things I do not understand and cannot do. I look at my life and ask myself how I can make it better.
Much I have read lately has pointed to the fact that the mind is capable of much more than we give it credit for. And, although scientists are actively seeking the secret to harnessing that capacity, I believe that the ultimate discovery can only rest with the individual who has patiently sought to discover how his own mind works. No two people are alike, and even if science could tell us how everything works, we would still have to learn to practice it.
However, if we are only using our amazing minds for mundane tasks, how can we make the quantum leap to increased mental capacity and use? Well, I think that the mind is capable of even that, if we give it the opportunity; if we take the challenge. Experimentation and discovery lie within and with ourselves not without and with a scientist. As a musician, I was taught to 'allow' my mind to do what it knew how to do without my ego getting in the way. Education, like the ego of a musician, often seeks to 'make' the mind do what it already knows how to do. I think it's time we 'allowed' our minds to function in the way they were intended. I believe that the mind was intended to function at it's full capacity and to do things that we have not yet even considered.
Think of it! We do not even know what the mind of man is capable of. The possibilities could be endless! It is a frontier like no other and the door to it is within the grasp of every individual. So...what are we waiting for?