Monday, May 27, 2019

The Quickest Way to Win (The Real Secret)

Today.  Now.  That's all there is.  That's the real secret.  Do NOW the thing that you are talking about, thinking about, wishing about.   Yes, you've probably heard this before, maybe in some article about motivation or meditation.  But today, I'd like to share another perspective on this timeless concept. 

The real secret to winning, success, happiness and everything that goes with it, is one simple thing that is all too easy to overlook.  We will spend hours, days, even years studying about HOW to break through our blocks, HOW to overcome challenges, HOW to live a better life, when the answer is staring us in the face. 

I've often found myself in a state of confusion and sadness because of what has HAPPENED to me.  I look at it, analyze it, wonder about it, talk about it and try to figure it out.  I do that so that I can move forward into now.  But what if there were an easier, faster way to do that?

I recently saw a film that showed me an image that was difficult to forget.  It kept coming into my mind and causing me distress.  My first reaction was to try to avoid the thought, get away from it, or replace it with something else.  However, with each attempt, the image seemed to grow in intensity and even seemed to be mocking my efforts.  In the middle of this frustrating experience, a thought occurred to me:  What if I went INTO the image instead of trying to GET AWAY from it.

At first I thought that it might backfire and cause more trauma and pain.  The more I thought about it though, the more it made sense.  So, I went into it.  I looked the image square in the face, not turning away, not flinching or squinting.  And there it was!  The truth about the situation.  It was not what I had thought!  I had IMAGINED a scenario that was NOT REAL!  Once I knew that, the image lost it's control, I lost my fear of it, and I was able to quickly and easily move forward.

Ultimately, life is about now and only now.  If you want success, do something NOW that takes you one step further in that direction.  That is the secret.  However, if you find yourself still stuck in the sadness, fear, pain or ignorance of the past, then turn around, and stare that trouble squarely in the face.  Look at it until you see the truth.  When you see the truth about the past, you will be free to live NOW!