Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Few Good Things

Sometimes it seems like the world is going to h--- in a hand basket, but today I want to think about some of the things that are right with the world. There is a philosophy that says: whatever you focus on is what you will get more of. Right now I would like more of a few things that I find particularly good and wonderful.

One thing that really makes me happy and that I would like to see more of is this idea of 'inalienable rights'. I love the concept that there are rights which I possess which were not given to me by any human, group or earthly entity. These rights are mine because I am alive and they cannot be given or taken; they just 'are'. This idea implies a great deal about my origin and destiny which might be difficult to explain or discuss in certain public places, but they are mine just the same and I will not be denied those rights if I can help it. Never mind that there are whole political parties dedicated to the removal of some or all those rights. I don't care. Maybe it's time those rights were threatened. People are altogether too complacent about rights, responsibilities and freedom these days and if the loss of their freedom makes them aware of their inalienable rights to the extent that they then begin to understand and defend them in a meaningful way, then so be it. 

Speaking of freedom, this beautiful land in which we live is a veritable treasure-trove of wonder and magnificent scenery. You can cross Idaho at it's most insipid and tame places and you cannot help but be in awe of the power and majesty of this truly inspiring creation. Everywhere you go in this country there are vast areas of sweeping glorious beauty to take your breath away. I am always filled with gratitude when I see a picturesque landscape or a rushing river or an approaching storm or a fiery sunset. How can one ignore the grandeur all around us and forget that nothing good happens by accident but must be done deliberately. It would be like a rich man planning a lovely party for his daughter, with gifts and guests, ponies and party favors, music and magic and the daughter afterward saying to her friend, “Isn't it wonderful that all these great things just happened to get here by accident, on my birthday?” The party we have been enjoying is significantly more complex and extraordinary than the one in my example and still there are those who, in their colossal ignorance have the effrontery to say that it 'just happened' to land here for their personal enjoyment and nothing more. 

Since I'm talking about things that make me happy, it would be wrong to leave out the people in my life who play parts in the drama of life. When I was younger, I watched some soap operas since it could not be avoided (my boss where I worked was addicted to them and had to have them on all the time). One thing I learned from that experience was that real people were much more interesting, fun, challenging, entertaining, helpful, beautiful or anything than a fake person on television. Children today have been led down a dark path of 'avatar' living, where they only live a surrogate life while their real life goes un-lived. From soap operas to video games to cult-movies to cyber-relationships, people are doing less and less real living and more and more pretend living. But honestly, there is no comparison. However, when real people only hurt us, let us down, use us or disappoint us, well... that's too bad. There is nothing in this world to compare with a family that works. I know because I have one. I have worked at it for my entire life and it works great. It is the greatest thing I have. It is the greatest thing I will ever have. It is the only thing worth living for and one of the few things worth dying for. Giving it up, taking it for granted, losing it, abusing it, shirking it or ignoring it are the worst things you can ever do to yourself. I wouldn't recommend it.

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